How to Lend (Passive Liquidity)

Rodeo makes it simple and safe to Lend and Passively Earn on your stablecoins


Step 1: Navigate to the Lending Tab and click the Lend button

Step 2: Input your desired amount of USDC to lend, click Deposit.

You will then be prompted to sign the deposit transaction. If this is your first time interacting with Rodeo, you will need to sign an additional transaction to approve the use of USDC

Congrats, you are now Lending and Earning High-Yet-Safe Yield

Withdrawing from Lending Pool

Step 1: If you wish to exit the lending pool, click the withdraw tab and your desired amount of USDC to withdraw from the lending pool, click Withdraw.

You will then be prompted to sign the withdraw transaction.

If you have suggestions on how to improve the user experience or encounter a bug, let the Rodeo team know on Discord

Last updated